Hilfsaktion von Rainbow Children Home für notleidende Landbevölkerung im Jan. 2019, finanziert durch Spenden an die Von Philipp Foundation.
Goma Dhakal, Leiterin von Rainbow, über die Situation dieser Menschen:
"We the RCH family distributed warm clothes to the Chepang community in a very remote area. Where there is no Mobile, no good drinking water, no electricity, no road system. There was a school which is up to 3 class, then the Chepang children has to go to very far for further studies, There was a big river, during winter the river has very low lever of water and children go to school, but during the summer and rainy day the water lever of the river will be high and the children cannot go to their school, Life is very critical situation in that Chepang community. They do not have warm clothes to wear so our help and support is really appreciated by them. Thank you so much for your great help and supporting for this warm clothes distribution program."
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