Derzeit leiden viele Menschen in der Terrai Region nach einem Kälteeinbruch große Not. Goma Dhakal und ihr Team von Rainbow Children Home reisen immer wieder in die entlegenen Regionen um warme Kleidung und Decken zu verteilen. Den Menschen dort fehlt es an allem, ihre Häuser und Unterkünfte sind in sehr schlechtem Zustand und schützen kaum vor der Kälte.
Goma schildert die Situation folgendermaßen: "The people are so poor, they do not have warm clothes to wear, even they do not have good houses. Their houses are in very critical condition and cannot protect from the cold. Lots of holes in the house. No enough warm clothes to wear and to use in the bed. They are using straw as a bed sheet. No enough utensils at home. No shoes and sandals wearing their children. Life is really hard of these Mushar people in Siraha. We have distributed warm clothes to one community but there are many such communities in that village. In the newspaper today I saw 15 people were death due to the suffering from cold wave in Terai region. It's a big problem for the poor people in Nepal."

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